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Tuesday, January 30, 2007


I shot these photos of my friend, Amber Joyce, in downtown Mt.airy. I used my Nikon D200 for this!

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Thursday, January 25, 2007


This is part of a shot that my partner, Amber, and I are working on for our joint project. We used a fishtank with a trash bag in the bottom. The ripples and splashes were made with marbles. I used my Nikon D200 with a ferrell light and broncolors.

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Friday, January 19, 2007

first snow/freezing rain of 2007

I took these at my house/across the road. I used a Nikon D200 and basically shot them cause Ronnie and I had nothing better to do with our time since school was closed for the day!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


This was shot for an assignment called desserts. I wanted to use lemon pie and then i changed my mind and got kind of bored with it. Anyways, this is what i came up with. Honestly im not impressed with it at all. I shot this with my Nikon D200 and broncolor impact kit.

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